Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Journey to a Better Me - Day Three

Today I went to OKC for a meeting.  I didn't stop at McDonald's for breakfast like I normally do.  Perhaps just a little bit of extra time planning my day out is one way to help me be successful.  I made me a ham and cheese english muffin for breakfast and brought a pepsi max from home.  My next test will be lunch time.  I brought a book to read so I don't plan on going anywhere with anyone.  Perhaps I can find something close by and read by book and get some soup or a sandwhich.  I'm making tater tot casserole tonight for dinner.  I enjoy cooking and DaRell's off tonight so I always try to cook on his days off.  Tomorrow I'm making cabbage with polish sausage.  Right now, I'm trying to really watch what I have for dinner because that's when I have the most trouble is when I'm home.  Nights and weekends are when I eat the most.  Just mindless eating because food is there.  I'm not eating because I'm hungry.  I've again started writing down what I eat.  Right now I'm just focusing on my eating habits and later on I'll work on moving more.  I don't want to overwhelm myself. 

Training is over and I decided to get stop at Taco Mayo and get one bean burrito.  Normally by this time (it's 2:30pm) I would have also had two snacks.  I brought my granola bar and pretzels for snacks but didn't eat them since we didn't take a break at the meeting.  So I'm thinking not having those snacks will help offset the calories in the yummy bean burrito.  I know it's important to pay attention to how I'm feeling and what I'm craving.  I'm hoping if I feel like overating that I can write in my journal and pinpoint why I'm wanting to put food in my mouth.  That way I can address what's causing me to potentially fail or if I'm truly hungry I can make a healthy food choice.  I really feel that I can be successful at losing weight noweven though I've never been successful before.  It really has to do with changing the way you look at things.  It really is all in your head.  One thing for me is that I need to stay off the scale.  The scale always ends up frustrating me.  I can be doing everything right and the scale shows barely a loss or I will have splurged and the scale shows more of a loss.  I know there's other factors going in to the number on the scale but that doesn't stop me from getting discouraged.   

Monday, February 27, 2012

Journey to a Better Me - Day Two

I've been writing in a journal and along with writing daily I'm also cutting pictures of Rihanna out of magazines to put in the journal.  I'm sure that sounds funny but I think Rihanna is beautiful and I'm hoping that seeing the pictures of her will help keep me motivated.  I don't like what I see when I look in the mirror.  I have to make a change.  I've been overweight all my life and I've come to realize that if I don't change some habits now then I'll continue gaining weight and that cannot happen.  I love my life and I'd love to be able to do even more if I lost weight.  I want to ride on roller coasters without having to worry about if I'll fit or if the locking mechanism will fit around me.  I want to sit on an airplane without needing a seat belt extender.  I want to wear a bathing suit and not feel so self-conscious about the way I look in it.  I'm trying to focus on things other than food.  This is only day two and I'm hoping I can continue to stay focused.  Every time I try to eat better I can always remain focused for a few weeks and then my focus disappears and I'm back to eating whatever whenever.  Hopefully, when I get the urge to overeat I'll use the journal to write about what I'm feeling or craving instead of stuffing my face.  It's interesting how just making the decision to lose weight makes me feel better.  I feel like I'm such a successful person in so many areas of my life and I want to finally be a success in the area of my weight.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Journey to a Better Me - Day One

I'm going to be turning forty this year and I'm really unhappy about my weight and the way I look.  I've just been eating too much and I can't seem to stop it.  The last time when I was watching what I eat when I stopped I started overeating instead of trying to eat more normally.  So, I shouldn't be surprised that I'm gaining weight.  My biggest clothes are getting snug on me.  My knees hurt when I get up from a sitting position.  And don't get me started on my stomach.  I'm tired of the way I look and I'm ready to make a change.  My husband loves me unconditionally and never makes me feel like I need to change the way I look.  I usually don't have trouble losing weight but I have trouble sticking with it.  I'll lose fifteen or so pounds then quit watching waht I eat and this last time I gained back what I had lost plus more.  This is the first time since I've been married that I've really felt down about my weight.  So, I've started writing in a journal and writing down what I'm eating and hopefully something will be different for me this time.  Hopefully, something will click in my brain and I will stay focused instead of so easily getting off track like I've always done before.