Friday, November 26, 2010


This year, Thanksgiving was at my mother-in-laws house.  We alternate each year between my mom's house and my husband's mom's house.  This Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing for me because I only had to bring the green bean casserole which is quick and easy to make.  I'm blessed to have a great mother-in-law who raised an awesome son.  Each Thanksgiving I'm reminded that I run through life too fast.  I don't take time out to appreciate all that I have.  Thanksgiving is one day that I try to slow down and look around at all I have to be thankful for.  I have a supportive husband who loves me, I have a son who is healthy and smart and growing quicker than I'd like.  I have a job that I enjoy and I live in a house that is paid for.  I have food in the kitchen and clothes in my closet.  I have been able to go to Las Vegas each year for the past 5 years.  I'm 38 and not on any medication...isn't that something to be thankful for!  Of course, there are many more things I'm thankful for.  Great friends who keep me smiling and are always there to lend me a hand or an ear.  Life has its ups and downs but it's good to remember that there's always something to be thankful for.  I'm also thankful for my warm, comfy bed that I'm heading to right now...good night.